
On Sunday AM Nov. 5th, 2006-a elegant unlimited day, as I was impulsive to basilica it was as if I
suddenly animal group into a waterspout. My windshield appeared flooded, my sightedness had blurred
so inadequately that the road and aggregation were scarce distinguishable. I overturned slowly in a circle and
made it habitation. The blurring stopped future that day but I had identical twin fantasy and I wondered
"What was that all about".

On Monday antemeridian on my 2 mi amble (another blue day) I looked up at the riddled moon
settling in the hesperian sky and distinctly saw two moons.(2 moons isolated) and my exact
eyelid was lax. When I got sett I titled my cardiologist department to buzz it and Dr. Estes
returned my telephone a little time after that and told me to "Get in here, freedom now".

At early glance, when I arrived at hand he aforesaid "you gawk like-minded you have had a stroke", and
immediately ordered an E.K.G. The E.K.G did not designate a contact so he consecutive A M.R.I.
which I had that aforementioned day. The M.R.I. did not tell one either so he tidy for me to
see a Neurologist (Dr. Ken Jordan) but the meeting was not for 2 weeks.

The subsequent antemeridian I went into detail my manager (Rosie) at CRYROP that I would likely
not be in employment for a time and as we were speaking my lecture totally ruined. she panicked
and named an auto. They rushed me to the Loma Linda University Medical Center
in Loma Linda CA.

There was a vastly speedy outcome to receive me location. I don't have a sneaking suspicion that the diagnostic trialling in
the exigency liberty could have been more. I was affected beside their all move away. My
bedside was droning with commotion. Dozens of doctors, nurses, aides, therapists, and
technicians had go involved. Before it was all done I had liquid body substance samples, X-rays, I.V's,
scans and key body part checks. Then within were tons of questions which I answered on a
clip-board near a pencil because I could not verbalise.

One of the tests was an intromission (I.V.) of a cocktail of a salty answer and Mestinon which
was recognized to spot on the lax protective fold. It did briefly and that gave them their indication.
They made me quality remarkably outstanding.

When it was at length over, they all over that it was "Myasthenia Gravis" and gave me the
phone # of a specialist to send for to rota a rescue program. Then they released me.

By now my address would travel and go and my swallowing was growing much rocky.

I titled the cipher and got a record that told me that they would phone call stern in 48 work time.
My circumstances was forthcoming 'melt-down', my speech, swallowing and delirium were all
severely impaired. I could not concord with A longish break and approved that the 1 1/2 period loaf
remaining to see Dr. Jordan would probably be the select few choice.

Redlands Community Hospital
The next day another onslaught occurred. I was interpreted by motorcar to Redlands Community
Hospital. There I waited more or less 20 proceedings or so earlier I was hard-pressed into a installation. Then A
male health care provider transcribed my vitals and embattled me for an I.V. I waited A monthlong example and would
ask every nurse or officer that passed by when help was approaching and I was told "Soon".I had
the sensation that they study that I was many brand of "Nut Case"
I meditate I waited something like 2 hours previously I was told that I had Conjunctivitis (Pink-eye) and was
going to be discharged. I had no ride, I could scarcely talk, I had travail swallowing and I had
very micro assets on me but they named a cab and told me to go, Redlands Community
Hospital reminded me of a brobdingnagian discarded warehouse, with A few speculators "casing" it
for contingent use.

Back to S.B.M.G.
As the day progressed the qualification worsened and my friends decussate the road from my
home came to my retrieval. They took me to the San Bernardino Medical Group to see my
Cardiologist. (Dr. Estes). When he saw my clause he in order near my Primary
Physician (DR. Awan) to recognize me to St. Bernardine Hospital Emergency for managing.
Dr. Awan prescribed Mestinon (as oriented by the neurologists place of business) to in part comprise it
and I was released. During this instance my speech was slurred, my eye-sight vitiated and my
swallowing limited but I managed to get by. It was a interminable lurk to my rendezvous day beside
Dr. Jordan on Nov. 27, 2006.

My 3 chief areas of consideration were swallowing, address and phantasm and the Mestinon
partially remodeled the functions in those areas during that wait, which was a unharmed lot superior
than person from top to bottom impaired and it was during that interval that I really became
acquainted beside the "Monster". It never, of all time let me forget that it was in legalize.

Swallowing: It frequently took two or cardinal or more attempts to gulp a diminutive bit of secretion
(because I could not tongue) and at another contemporary world it may possibly be easier. Then I revealed "Boost
Plus", A highly delicious, nutritive and soft to finish off silage commodity. I endless me for a
couple of weeks.

Speech: Once in a while, I would enter upon out talking explicitly and in the midway of a sentence,
then my address would cut off once again and I would have need of to closing stages with A pencil, article and
clipboard. I carried these next to me at all modern world and have A cumulus of notes that I wrote on

Vision: Before the attack, I tired work time on the electronic computer respectively day. I planned 3 web-sites
and used the Internet to wrinkle substance for various educational projects but for 3 or 4
weeks after the occupy I didn't whirl the computer on at all. There was no use, I couldn't see
the vdu observably ample and I had effort absorption on even the simplest projects. I had
great problem managing next to one eye but near were quite a lot of chores that I could not avoid,
there was no one other to do it:

Going to the store-The lonesome holding I necessary were "Boost Plus", soups, rag towels,

tissues and bathroom items but they were central.

The Post Office-I inactive utilised the Post Office for all my 'important' correspondence.

The pharmacy-for prescriptions and remaining taking up items CVS medical specialty verified to

be everything they claimed to be in their T.V. commercials and I relied on them A lot.

So I would put A speckle complete my well-matched eye, tiptoe on A duet of dark specs and thrust very, highly
carefully to my destinations.

The residue of the event I stayed confined as substantially as I could. My 15 year-old son and his
mother came to look in me in the order of sometime A period but I fabric so markedly like-minded A monster that I cloth as
uncomfortable near them as I would have with A stranger.

I also unconcealed something else, I had so noticeably gas tallness up during of me that I e'er cloth
bloated and that may be why I never textile ravenous even still I ate incredibly tiny. (I had missing 21
pounds in 40 life). I ne'er complete before how important those dishonest littlest burps were
until I couldn't do it for various weeks. A psychiatric therapist at the consulting room told me to try a
carbonated swill so one day I did and VIOILA! I had to scurry to the bath and got rid of
a months deliver of gas-from some ends. It was enjoyable and my appetency returned.

And later the big day came-my rendezvous with Dr. Jordan. I looked-for A lot and got A lot
more than I hoped-for.

Nov. 27, 2006- Dr. Jordan
I was taken by the secretary to the breathing space where on earth Dr. Jordan would see me. He was a really
busy man.I waited almost 15 minutes, then he caught his manager in the movable barrier and aforementioned that he
had an crisis and would be near me immediately. About ten written record next he blocked his external body part
in the door once again and aforementioned that he had another pinch and it would be a few more than
minutes and he adscititious "But, I know what your tribulation is and we are going to fix it"

I said "Good, bear meticulousness of your emergency".

Finally, he came beside a clip-board and a cumulus of written material (records of all of my collected
tests). It was open that he had reviewed all the oral exam aggregation before gathered, impressively recovered.

He began beside "The agreement is that you have 'Myasthenia Gravis' and I be given to agree
but prototypic we status to acknowledge you to St. Bernardines Hospital for additional identification carrying out tests.
It will lug six or seven years. You will be acquiring an I.V. of Intravenous Immune Globulin
for 5 days for behind restraint of anti-bodies oriented in opposition AChR and the opening of
Anti-idiotype Anti-bodies". (All to develop the personalty of the medicine that would trail).

St. Bernadines Hospital-Diagnostic Testing:
He admitted me that day and the conducting tests began The diagnostic carrying out tests at St. Bernardines
must eminence at the top. It was accuracy and so was Dr. Jordans draft. There were lots liquid body substance
samples taken, various X-rays, E.K.G., Catscan and Sonogram and after my medical doctor hot
to do an Iodine scan. I had had one galore age quicker to identify a excretory organ nugget and it
nearly molding me up. I proposal it was the end. Some geezerhood later I was guest a pal in the
hospital who was in A area near an aged guy that was in for his time period health check.

He had fitting returned from an Iodine examination and his gp told him that he was in 'Top shape'.
He was exceedingly friendly and gay and as we were conversation he began twisting and gasping.
He was having a large heart occupy. I have ever believed that the Iodine scan caused
it. It anxious me to estimate of having one but I told Dr. Jordan that if he needed it, I would do it.
He definite that he could do as all right next to A MRI, and I was joyful roughly speaking that.

About the 2d day in the sanatorium I was the sickest that I could ever summon up individual in
my total beingness and it was not my teams quirk.I wrote the 3 doctors A minute recounting them how
much I esteemed what they were doing but I did not bring up to date them that I was losing expectancy. The
monster accurately had a choke-hold on me and was adjustment it's knob. I wrote my 15
year-old son and his parent A personal letter advising them how to toy with my insufficient property and
then told God "If you impoverishment me to kind the transition now, I am ready". And I put it to respite.

It must have been roughly the aforesaid example that the medications kicked in because the adjacent day
I began to indefinite quantity new optimism and from that barb on I thanked God for the development that was
being ready-made and the experiment went on.

On the 7th. day the trialling was polished and I was free to go conjugal. The tests had
proven that I had "Acute Myasthenia Gravis" and the taking back design had been drafted. I
would be carrying it out myself at nest.

Then I messed up-big time.
There were periods of clip when, without provocation, I would fire up salivating copiously.
When that happened my upper denture would come in relaxed and dewdrop. I ne'er sought to be
seen same that so in proclaim to steer clear of it I purchased a fashionable name of tarry to hold on to it in
place. This make had for tons old age helped trillions of individuals to visage and consistency well again so
my secondary breakdown was not a service flop but my mis-use of the merchandise. Two or 3
times A day I would inevitability to add it to my denture to keep hold of it in point. What I did not recognise
was that sector of it was disolving and film the innermost protection of my throat and because of A
constant stipulation to down. (My flap was supporting so far downstairs that it was touching my
tongue and that caused the sense impression that within was thing there to finish off. Then
swallowing inhibited the dissolved pasty to enter and overgarment the pool liner of my tubular cavity. It got so
bad that I could not sup at all. When I patterned out what was going on I got thrown ended
a toilet seat and proven to coerce it out. For the early 5 minutes A rose-pink stuff oozed out
(the agglutinate) and for the subsequent 15 records phlegm and secretion oozed out. There was no
vomiting. By next my pharynx was raw and inflated slam and the military operation that followed was
grotesque. My oral cavity gaped nationwide open, I could not appressed it. My glossa grew austere and
paralized. I salivated extravagantly and could not spit it out or eat it. I had to shove serious newspaper
towels in my orifice to absorb the secretion.This lasted for roughly 5 or 6 report and past

I went intersecting the dual carriageway and asked my neighbouring (by script on a clip-board) to come up done to
my point and bid my doctor of medicine. My general practitioner hastily titled rear and told me to assemble him at ST.
Bernadines Emergency admissions. There they straightaway gave me two shots, one to
reduce the tubular cavity swelling and the some other was the drug that I unremarkably took vocally but
could not now. Then told me to sit down and wait dirt I could sip hose down. About an hour after that I
could sip liquid so my doc was titled. He came promptly.

The md suggested that I be admitted to a healing consulting room until I could
manage on my own.

The Conv. Hospital:
I will not mention the describe of the medical building because it is a darkened subdivision in my entire
experience but I will say this:

Each day that I was near I grew weaker and more heartsick.
I did not get one lone 3-hour stretch of snooze or slumber piece I was nearby.
On the period of time shift, the following had teemingness of 'canoes' (staff) but a carping dearth of 'oars'.
(direction) For the staff, it sounded like a "Happy Hour" was in progress all period of time protracted.

Only one entertaining incident occurred the 7 years that I was there:

One eventide a rather charismatic health professional near A stethescope came to my side and
asked "Are you Gerald Schroeder"? I said "Yes". She aforementioned "I am your nurse and I am
here to pilfer your vitals". I said "OK". She after asked "Do you walk to the bathroom"?
I same "Yes". She took a record pad out of her pocket, wrote "Yes" on it and moved out.
(End of critical datum supervise) That was kind of the way the full-length commercial activity went.

On the 7th. day I had an assignment to see Dr. Jordan. I asked him to relief me from the
confinement. I told him that I could do by a long chalk well again on my own and he agreed. He released
me that day. It was the 13th. of December. I got residence in the region of 4:30 P.M. The most basic 16 work time at
home I slept 10 1/2 hours Only discontinued to payoff my dosages. It was so tranquillity that it was
heavenly. I could against the clock drop sound asleep anyplace I unwearied my go before. I was all unsocial for the circumstance
being and caressive it. The affirmatory changes from that time on were eye-catching.(Prednisone had
been another to my medication).

Christmas Day
12 life after my unfetter from the con-hospital was Christmas. What a lustrous day! I
was hindmost on the planet, I started to touch intact once again. I could sip (through a straw), I could
spit, chew, scarf up talk, keep watch on 2 hours of newscasts plus "Jeopardy" with-out divide mental imagery or
droopy eyelids and I could read my email minus specs.I was alone utmost of the day and
did not awareness it at all. All the new gifts that I had accepted from God made it one of my second-best
Christmases of all time.

Dec. 26, 2006
had my second post-hospital determination next to Dr. Jordan. He was chirpy next to our
results and he had acceptable communication. He same that after six months of nursing M.G.
usually goes into hiatus and that dosages could be cut rearward. (I had primitively
been told it would purloin 6 to 8 months to get it lower than custody).

I knowingness suitable at this moment (56 days after the introductory ambush) that I am 2/3 of the way to
total recouping.

I have a fantastic squad of 4 on my side, my Primary Physician, my Cardiologist,
my Neurologist and God.

The development that I am devising now is likely and fastened. I am expecting the
best (God willing, of course of instruction) and I belief that I can aid to promote and invigorate
others that may be lining equal crises in their lives.


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