You'll probably think I am crazy when I tell you this, but my absolute favorite movement for chest is the push up. They've been around hundreds of years but unfortunately the only venue where they are still common is the military. When performed at different speeds and reps without weight, add specific conditioning to the entire pectoral region. In addition, if you place weight on your back they can also become a terrific mass builder. I personally replace bench press with weighted pushes in my own workouts every other month. Don't be mislead to think they only work the chest. Push ups are one of the best exercises for overall upper body development available.
Here are a few tips to keep in mind when performing push ups:
Always keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your fingers together and pointing straight ahead.
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Start in the 'up' position with your arms straight.
Inhale as you lower yourself toward the floor.
Stop when your elbows form a 90-degree bend. There is no need to touch your chest or chin to the floor.
Exhale as you push yourself up from the floor
Don't lock your elbows at the top of the move.
Your back should be straight. Don't let it sag and don't stick your bottom in the air.
Don't think for one minute pushes are just for men. There aren't too many things more impressive in the gym then women who can perform perfect push ups. For all of you new to body weight movements be sure to start slow and work your way up.
You can work up from modified (knees down) push-ups to military. If you find modified a bit tough to begin with you can start off a wall and work your way down. After you can do 25-30 push-ups without stopping, or if you can do three sets of 15 with minimal rest between sets, it's time to make the exercise more challenging. Do this by placing your feet on top of a step. By raising your feet you force your body to work harder against gravity while shifting more intensity to the chest muscles specifically. One last advantage about the push up is that its free to all of you.
Can't make it to the gym, so what, drop and give me twenty.